Nissan India has launched its global sedan Nissan Sunny in India on Sep 20, 2011 which is a car based on the versatile V-Platform on which Nissan Micra is also based. Nissan Sunny has been launched only in the petrol variant in India with the Nissan Sunny Diesel still few months away from its official launch in India. With a spectacular starting price of just Rs. 5.78 Lakhs, Nissan Sunny seems to be a strong competitor to most of the cars in the entry level sedan segment. The Diesel option of Nissan Sunny, even if priced at up to Rs. 80,000 more than the petrol counterpart, will be priced at an approximate price of Rs. 6.6 Lakhs approximate price, which is a very aggressive price.
image- Nissan Sunny Sedan
The USP of the Nissan Sunny is the quality and space of the Interiors at an affordable price tag. The diesel engine variant of the Sunny is expected to add fuel efficiency and low running cost to the Sunny. As per some sources close to Nissan, the Nissan Sunny Diesel is expected to break covers around January 2012, which will most likely take place at the Indian Auto Expo 2012 in new Delhi India.
Nissan Sunny Diesel Specifications In India
The expected specifications of Nissan Sunny Diesel to be launched in India in January 2012 are:
* 1.5 Litre K9K CRDI Diesel Engine
* Max power of about 85 BHP
* Max torque of about 200 Nm
* Fixed geometry turbocharger
* Expected mileage of close to 20 KMPL (estimated
image- Nissan Sunny Sedan
The USP of the Nissan Sunny is the quality and space of the Interiors at an affordable price tag. The diesel engine variant of the Sunny is expected to add fuel efficiency and low running cost to the Sunny. As per some sources close to Nissan, the Nissan Sunny Diesel is expected to break covers around January 2012, which will most likely take place at the Indian Auto Expo 2012 in new Delhi India.
Nissan Sunny Diesel Specifications In India
The expected specifications of Nissan Sunny Diesel to be launched in India in January 2012 are:
* 1.5 Litre K9K CRDI Diesel Engine
* Max power of about 85 BHP
* Max torque of about 200 Nm
* Fixed geometry turbocharger
* Expected mileage of close to 20 KMPL (estimated
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